
United against Racism – For a society of the many!

Antiracist day of action on 5 September 2020

Germanwide call for decentralized protests

On September 5th we all go out into the streets together and show loud and clear what kind of society we want to live in: a society without racism! Exactly five years after the “March of Hope”. Because September 2015 was a ray of hope. A historical breakthrough against the border regime, not only on the Balkan route. A dynamic of coming and welcoming that we will not forget. And for which we continue to fight: despite and against the continuous backlash of racist laws and agitation.

Every day we experience it anew: racism hurts, racism kills. Whether it is the policy of sealing off Europe’s external borders, letting people die in the Mediterranean, racial profiling in the city centres, the forced placement of refugees in camps, deportations and detention, the search for accommodation and unequal treatment on the labour market, in schools and universities, the arbitrariness of authorities, in barsat the barroom and on the Internet. It is precisely this policy that lays the foundations for racist murder and terror. Racism structures and permeates our society and must be simultaneously fought and unlearned by all of us.

But everywhere, people resist and fight for an open and solidary society and against racism. Every day, on a small and large scale, practical and political. We fight for the right to freedom of movement, for equalrights for all. We struggle for people to be rescued from distress at sea and we fight with Black Lives Matter against racist controls and police violence. With the demand for housing and solidarity cities and safe havens for all. With the resistance against deportations, with church and citizen asylum. With protests against all forms of racist discrimination and exploitation. And as MigrAntifa against right-wing violence. We are many and we are loud, we fight in cities, in villages, on the streets and in private and we do not give up!

Migrant struggles have shaped our society for decades and have become part of the history and reality of our cities. Here and now we are already on the way into the society of the many and we cannot be stopped!

Our anti-racist resistance is both a concrete practice and a living vision. We struggle for cities of solidarity in an open Europe. Against exploitation and exclusion. For the right to stay, to come and to go. For equal rights. For all.

Signed by:


AG Asylsuchende Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge e.V.

AK Asyl Friedrichsdorf

Aktionsbündnis gegen Abschiebungen Rhein-Main

Aktionsbündnis Solidarisches Salzwedel

Anti-Repression-Campaign you can’t evict solidarity

Arbeitskreis Asyl Cuxhaven e.V.

Aufstehen gegen Rassismus Rhein-Main

Bayerischer Flüchtlingsrat e.V.

Berlin Hilft

Bundes Roma Verband e.V.

Bündnis Alles Muss Man Selber Machen

Campana Cafe Mesoamerica CCM

Community for all, Darmstadt

eXchange e.V.

Flüchtlingsrat Baden-Württemberg e.V.

Flüchtlingsrat Hamburg e.V.

Flüchtlingsrat Niedersachsen e.V

Flüchtlingsrat Sachsen-Anhalt e.V.

Flüchtlingsrat Thüringen e.V.

Flüchtlingsrat Wiesbaden e.V.

Hamburger Bündnis gegen Rechts (HBgR)

Hessischer Flüchtlingsrat

Initiative “200 nach Marburg”

Initiative alle bleiben!

Karagah e.V.

kein mensch ist illegal, Hanau

Medibüro Berlin

Neag (noch eine autonome Gruppe) Bremen

Netzwerk SoliAsyl Thüringen

No Border Assembly

Open Arms

Rojava Solidarität Hanau

Roma Center e.V.

Sächsischer Flüchtlingsrat



Seebrücke Frankfurt


Solidarische Provinz Wendland/Altmark

Solidarität Grenzenlos MTK

Solidarity City Kassel

VVN-BdA Hamburg

VVN-BdA Kreis Frankfurt

VVN/BdA Kreisvereinigung Oldenburg/Friesland

W.I.R Werdauer Initiative gegen Rassismus e.V.