Antiracist Summer Camp Brandenburg 2020
of We’ll Come United Berlin and Brandenburg
For a long weekend in July 2020 we were coming together as a network to strengthen the local struggles, the cohesion of the movement and the network’s ability to act together.
![[Foto Selection 1 of the WCU-Summer Camp 2020]](
We are networking: we exchange information about our activities. We want to network better with many different initiatives and groups and get to know each other better. We stay in contact!
We learn from each other: different people have different abilities. We want to share and multiply these skills. Skill sharing makes us strong!
We discuss: we want to exchange content on different topics and discuss the goals of the network.
We organize: we talk about concrete problems and possible solutions and plan our next activities in Brandenburg.
![[Foto Selection 2 of the WCU-Summer Camp 2020]](
Who we are: We come from different groups and communities in Berlin and Brandenburg. We are networked with initiatives from all over Germany that deal with asylum, migration and racism. Some of us have a (German) passport, some of us do not have one. We also differ in religion, culture, social background and sexual orientation. But we are united by our daily struggles against violence and racism. Everyone should have access to his/her rights. No one should be discriminated against because of his or her other nature. Everyone should be free to choose where and how he/she wants to live.
Contact: community(at)
![[Foto Selection 3 of the WCU-Summer Camp 2020]](
Supported by
![[Logo Heinrich Böll Stiftung]](öll-Stiftung.jpg)
In cooperation with the Allianz Cultural Foundation
![[Logo Aktion KulturAllianzen]](
Sponsored by

Supported with funds from the Ministry of Science, Research and Culture of the State of Brandenburg