anti-racist conference 2024

Welcome to the We’ll Come United Conference in Frankfurt from April 26 to 28 2024 in Frankfurt

in Studierendenhaus in Frankfurt-Bockenheim

Mertonstraße 26, 60325 Frankfurt am Main

Program brochure

We are delighted that over 350 people have registered for the WCU conference in Frankfurt. We hope to spend three days together with intensive exchange and inspiring discussions.

To the programme
Over 25 workshops
As you could already see in the preliminary announcement, we have opted for a diverse and »decentralised« programme. There are more than 25 workshops prepared by different groups and networks. In this reader you will find brief descriptions and contacts for each of them. Most of the working groups last »only« 90 minutes and everyone should make sure to start and finish on time so that there are no delays in the subsequent sessions.

For the large meeting room (i.e. for the two panels and the final plenary session) and for three other working group rooms, we have translation equipment for simultaneous translation using small radios. For other rooms we have so-called spiders, which enable translations for smaller groups. The BLA and Interprise collectives are supporting us at the conference. But we also need the support and patience of all participants so that everyone can speak in their own languages. Please get in touch at the Info-Point if you can help with translating.

The Studierendenhaus is our central conference building. On the ground floor is the Koz, where drinks and food are available (also outside). On the first floor there is a corridor with various information tables and the large meeting room where the two panels, working groups and the final plenary session will take place. We also have three smaller rooms for working groups in this building. If it doesn’t rain and hopefully gets a bit warmer again, we could also make good use of the extensive campus grounds. Only about 500 metres away from the Student House – on Beethovenplatz – is the Christuskirche, where we have 2 to 3 more working group rooms. Also about 500 metres away – at Leipziger Straße 17 – is the Hessian Refugee Council. Working groups can also take place here.